Tuesday, October 9, 2012

2 Good Dreams from Old Blogs

There was one where Ellen DeGeneres put her arms under my arms and lifted me way up to where she was standing telling me to get up and go to the bathroom.

There was another one this weekend where Orla Fallon had been with me and was putting her arm around my waist and it felt like so echoing so infinite (after I had woken up to the idea of my daughter being tortured, spun out of control for hours) like little orbs of feeling emitting from my waist, echoing to the bottom of the earth ... while we were standing in front of Tim Burton, like I was gonna half work with him or actually leave him.  With her and maybe other people in Europe I get the strong feeling of having European ancestry from my dad and non-American heritage from my mom.  So, I've never really felt that good before.  It was sorta a funky feeling.  Definitely.  A sorta inward twisted kinda befuddled feeling, as I've often graduated to feeling lately rather than disgusting and dumb.

I guess another neat dream was when I saw a very neat, small church daycare where it was like pristine like another land and the kids were tucked away, a fat one just scrambling in somewhere.  This was a few months ago and started one of my past blogs.

Another good one was where Tim Burton was teaching and he lifted me up to do ballet.  I did really well and had a little harder move.

I also had an interesting dream of him disappearing like on an escalater at a big mall through a door, as a Batman director.  I kept looking for him and couldn't find him.

Also, the person I had been putting my arm around and feeling good was Orla Fallon.

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